Dr. Daniel C. Morello

Please take a moment and look over Dr. Morello’s credentials and background. We urge that you compare and evaluate these most important factors when making your choice of a plastic surgeon.

Dr. Morello is past President of the prestigious American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), which is the leading professional organization of plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery who specialize in cosmetic (aesthetic) surgery. With 1500 world-wide members, ASAPS is at the forefront of innovation in aesthetic (cosmetic) plastic surgery around the world. He has been cited as one of the leading plastic surgeons in the United States, and is included in numerous “Best Doctors Lists.

Dr. Morello was one of the first holders of the “Certificate of Advanced Education in Cosmetic Surgery” issued in 1999 by ASAPS, and was recertified in 2002. This certificate attests to his continuing medical education credit accumulation in cosmetic plastic surgery.

Dr. Daniel C. Morello graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1965, and from the Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1969. He completed a full residency in General Surgery at Hahnemann University and was Chief Surgical Resident 1973-1974. His plastic surgery residency was at perhaps the best cosmetic surgery training program in the world, the Institute for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at the New York University Medical Center. This was under the tutelage of the late John Marquis Converse, M.D., who was well known as the editor of a famous seven volume textbook of plastic surgery. Together with Dr. Converse, Dr. Morello authored the chapter on cosmetic surgery of the aging face in that book.



Daniel C. Morello, M.D., F.A.C.S.

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