Liposuction of the Hips, Waist and Flanks
Liposuction of the Hips
Many women have hips they think are too voluptuous or are out of balance with the rest of your body due to weight-gain, pregnancy or genetics--you may want liposuction of the hips. When you desire a more contoured figure, you will want to consider this procedure with your plastic surgeon. Your surgery will most likely be performed with you under general anesthesia. For certain women, you may be need more than one procedure to get your ideal contour of the hip-area.
Liposuction of the Waist
Many patients confuse liposuction of the abdomen with liposuction of the waist. Sculpting the waist is much different than liposuction of the abdomen or a tummy tuck. Involving the flanks, this liposuction may need more than one procedure to achieve a beneficial result. The waist can appear narrower and more contoured enhancing the highly-desired “hourglass” shape.
Liposuction of the Flanks
Women and men will find the flanks area (just above your belt line on the sides and on your back - with women, it’s below the bra line) can benefit greatly from liposuction. Using local anesthesia, your surgeon will be able to reduce the amount of fat in your back/flanks. Your surgeon will have to manipulate your body enough to roll you and may need you to assist in movement since there will be a breathing tube to ensure you are getting enough oxygen.
With this procedure, you will find your clothing fits better. Your body will seem more balanced and contoured. What has possibly been a genetic problem area for you, is now a manageable and treated area that will make you feel thinner and enhance your silhouette. Your flanks greatly influence your pant and shirt sizes. Post operatively you will find your pant or dress size decrease and help you get closer to your personal goals.