General Liposuction FAQs

General Liposuction FAQs

Frequently asked questions about liposuction in general.

  1. Are there any illnesses or medical conditions that would make a person a poor candidate for liposuction?
  2. I've heard that there are different types of liposuction. What are they?
  3. Is it true that liposuction is a substitute for proper diet and exercise?
  4. What are the usual areas on which liposuction is performed?
  5. Who would be a good candidate for Liposuction?


1. Are there any illnesses or medical conditions that would make a person a poor candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction (and certain other surgical procedures) present a greater risk for individuals with medical problems such as diabetes, significant heart or lung disease or poor blood circulation.

In addition, people who have recently had surgery near the area to be contoured should exercise additional caution and inform their surgeon.

2. I've heard that there are different types of liposuction. What are they?

If you encounter the terms "liposuction", "lipoplasty" or "suction lipectomy" - You are hearing general synonyms for liposuction, not specific types or methods.

The various methods or types include: ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL) - which has both external and internal variants, the tumescent technique, and the super-wet technique. More detailed information on the various methods can be found in the FAQ section entitled "Types of Liposuction."

Depending upon the your particular situation, the areas to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed, your plastic surgeon may recommend one method over another - or even different methods to treat different areas.

3. Is it true that liposuction is a substitute for proper diet and exercise?

No. While liposuction can help remove stubborn areas of fat that don't respond to traditional weight-loss methods, it's not a substitute for eating properly and getting sufficient exercise.

4. What are the usual areas on which liposuction is performed?

The usual areas are: the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck.

5. Who would be a good candidate for Liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction are people in the normal weight range who have firm, elastic skin and who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. The candidate should be physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in his or her expectations. The patient's age is not a major consideration; however, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.

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